Bolsover Church of England Junior School

Spring Term Community Breakfast

Spring Term Community Breakfast

Following the success of our MacMillan Coffee morning, this term we will be holding a Community Breakfast.
This will be held on Friday 7th March 2025 at 08:30am and, like the MacMillan Coffee Morning, your child can join you for this. You will enter through the hall doors at 08:30am and your child will be registered in the hall.
The breakfast will consist of a sausage cob, strawberry yoghurt, tea or coffee and orange juice.
There will be a a cost of £2.50 per person - including your child from our school. Maximum of 2 people per family.
This is now live on ParentPay and so orders can be made. The deadline for booking a place on this will be Friday 14th February so orders can be made.
Many thanks.